Thursday, February 6, 2014

Cherry Popping

I must admit I am more nervous to shed the cloak of isolation I have wrapped myself so tightly within than it was when I lost my "innocence".  I suppose it's because we all "do it" the same way, I mean how many different ways can you make your experience any different than anyone else's.....not many.  Anyone can expose their private parts making them no longer private and you'll never regain that personal privacy once it's gone. BUT to expose one's personal thoughts, emotions, ideas, and demons....that is a different story. The conversations contained within your own mind are YOURS.  They need not be shared unless you feel compelled to do so. And if you are like me, they're constantly changing.  I have chose to share my internal conversations. The wacky, funny, crazy, dark, sad, and angry ramblings within my bipolar grey matter rarely come to stop.  They are like a flowing river with currents that could sweep one away, they are like the waterfall you know is ahead yet you can't slow down enough to paddle your way to safety of the river bank, they are also a slow trickling stream of white noise, which to relax by yet full with enough minnows to fill a bucket, keeping you too busy to do so.  My brain is always on, although it is not always working.  It rambles and I stumble yet together we've made it through.  My hope is that this "cherry popping" is not too painful......for me or for you.  

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